
Practical Python Walkthrough

Practical Python Walkthrough Series

This was a simple Python Programming course which I designed for self-starters to quick tap into the world of Python Programming. This was built with beginners in mind, for busy professionals who wish to gain exposure to the convenience of programming, or for coders who had beginner experience in computational thinking to speed up on the Python syntax.

This tutorial was first conceived in a pilot workshop I did back in 2019 for a group of School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE) students from the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) of Singapore. Subsequently, a proper material was designed for my colleagues in Eurex and Deutsche Boerse Group, to train a group of analysts and students the use of Python Programming and how coding can improve analytical capabilities of the team.

Github: Practical Python Walkthrough Series
Series: (Currently under development)
1. Apprentice

Reflection posts:
First Python Practical Walkthrough workshop
Pilot Python Workshop

This walkthrough series is currently being expanded.

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